Showing posts with label portraits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portraits. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Visual diary #2

July 2nd.
Break-up. :/ He made a very pretty portrait, if not an entirely compatible boyfriend..!

To see it before I burnt it (who knew that tracing paper bubbles when hot?!), click 'read more' below!

ETA: I just realised that the fact it's on tracing paper implies I traced this, which is not the case, it's all eyeballed.. I like the transparency of it, and the layering affect you can achieve. 

 also tracing it would be really creepy.. somehow more creepy than just drawing my ex, which is creepy enough anyway... >_>

Sunday, 8 May 2011

I drew a lady

I got completely enchanted by this girl as soon as I saw her on The Model Scouts (Irelands much, MUCH, better version of America's Next Top Model (yes, I watch all that crud)). Her name's Tabea and she actually won it in the end, proving that I have impeccable taste, of course. *cough*

There is some angsty 'OMG IM SO UNINSPIRED' whining to the sound of a tiny violin behind the jump :D give me your wisdom (or a good shake of the shoulders)!!!