Sunday, 10 July 2011


I recently received a fairly unassuming brown jiffy envelope through my letter box. It had a little drawing of a lighthouse on the bottom corner and a hand-scribbled note saying:
'Sorry it took so long to get this to you - I was off on holiday collecting more of these!'
What was in the package? SEA GLASS! Yes, I am getting excited about fragments of glass that have spent the last couple of centuries getting smoothed and tumbled by surf. Most random eBay purchase of the century?? It might also be the prettiest!

So what am I going to do with all this glass, you may be wondering. The other bemused members of my household certainly did, quite vocally.
And I do have plans! They are secret might-fail-miserably plans so you'll have to watch this space to find out :P

1 comment:

  1. Sea glass is amazing, I would be rolling on the floor with excitement if I bought something like this.
